KSU External Events: Event Resources
Event Catering

If you plan to have a caterer at your event, please vist catering.kennesaw.edu before submitting an event request. Please note that catering does not include food and beverages that do not require the maintenance of a serving temperature, such as chips, crackers, nuts, cookies, special occasion cakes, bagels and donuts.
Food Service Guidelines
To begin planning your event, please visit catering.kennesaw.edu. We kindly ask that events be booked two weeks in advanced. Final details of menus and services must be finalized at least seven business days prior to the event.
Event Room Setup

Please note that special setups are not applicable for classrooms or other rooms that are "existing set-up only." Also, please note that room sizes vary, and some set-ups may not be suitable for use in a particular space.
Room Setup Examples
Please note that special setups are not applicable for classrooms or other rooms that are “existing set-up only.” Also, please note that room sizes vary, and some set-ups may not be suitable for use in a particular space. A member of University Events or Student Life will determine the most appropriate set-up.
- Hollow Square and Conference: This set up is good for interactive discussions and note-taking sessions for 25 people
or less.
- U-Shape: Appropriate for groups of less than 40 people. Works well for meetings with a leader
or presenter located at the head of the setup. Audiovisual equipment is usually best
set up at the open end of the set-up.
- Theater: Appropriate for large sessions that do not require extensive note-taking.
- Schoolroom or Classroom: Great for medium to large sized lectures that require attendees to take notes.
- Reception & Banquet 60" Round or 72" Round: Generally used for meals and sessions involving small group discussions. A five foot
(60 inch) round table seats eight people comfortably. A six foot (72 inch) round table
seats 10 people comfortably.
- Reception: A non-seated social function where beverages and light foods are served to guests.
- Banquet: Generally used for meals and sessions involving small group discussions.
- Hollow Square and Conference: This set up is good for interactive discussions and note-taking sessions for 25 people
or less.
Environmental Health & Safety
Effective environmental, health, and safety performance is an important factor at KSU. The Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) department is working cooperatively with the entire campus community to provide a safe and healthy environment for all faculty, staff, students, and visitors. The primary goals are to prevent and/or minimize injuries and illnesses through the recognition, evaluation, and control of potential hazards arising from University activities.
Environmental Health and Safety Policy
EHS consults with various departments and groups concerning compliance with laws, regulations, and policy regarding environmental health and safety.
If you have any questions, please contact Environmental Health and Safety at (470) 578-3321.
Please refer to the Environmental Health and Safety Policy and Procedures website for policies on:
- Fire and Life Safety
- Tents
- Open Flames, Candles, Cooking, Grilling
- Fog Machine
- Insurance
- Lighting, Lasers and Strobe Lights
- Electrical Safety

Parking and Transportation is responsible for Big Owl Bus shuttle services plus permitting and enforcement of parking for both the Marietta and Kennesaw Campuses.
Parking and Transportation provides over 12,000 spaces on the Kennesaw Campus including four parking decks, four visitor lots and two remote parking areas. On the Marietta Campus, there is one parking deck providing 837 spaces and 18 surface lots, which brings the campus total to 4,200 spaces.
Event Parking Requests
Event Parking Policy
Kennesaw State University hosts a multitude of university related events such as athletic competitions, art exhibits, and music concerts. The university is proud to be part of the greater Atlanta community and offers its facilities for private events and affairs to local groups, schools, and community functions.
Parking and Transportation provides access to its parking facilities whenever possible. The favorable approach is to always have attendees pay the visitor parking fee. An alternative to this is to use parking e-coupons, which must be obtained from the department that is sponsoring the event. Please read further about our event parking options below:
Charter Shuttle Request
Submit Shuttle RequestSmall Event Parking – Less than 20 vehicles
When a smaller event is planned on campus for a number of attendees that can be accommodated within visitor parking (less than 20 vehicles, depending on the campus traffic for the requested day), the process is to route attendees to visitor parking, where they will pay the parking fees:
Structure Fee for the Kennesaw Campus
- $3 for the first hour
- Additional $1 every half hour thereafter
- Maximum $12 per day
Structure Fee for the Marietta Campus
- $3 for the first hour
- Additional $1 every half hour thereafter
- Maximum $12 per day
- Submit an online request for an e-coupon code and issue these to the attendees.
This fee is billed directly to the requestor’s department upon coupon code use. The online event parking request form must be filled out for the requestor to be accommodated. If the department does not wish to pay for attendee parking, they are not required to obtain visitor’s passes and should communicate to attendees that they will be responsible for paying the standard rates at the Visitor’s lot.
Departments may request validation codes for hourly visitor parking by requesting e-coupons from KSU Parking and Transportation. This option is only available for KSU Departments with a university speed chart number.
Making an E-Coupon Request:
- E-coupon codes may be requested online through the E-Coupon Request Form.
- Departments will be billed based on e-coupon usage after the event.
- Billing for coupon codes is half the price of the posted visitor parking rate for the lot requested.
- Standard rates are displayed at each hourly visitor parking area.
- Lots that are setup for validation are:
- Kennesaw Campus: the Welcome Center Visitor Lot, Lot J, Lot V2 and the North Parking Deck.
- Marietta Campus: Lot P2 and Deck P60.
- Deck P60 is a mixed use deck and visitor parking in that area is marked with striping and/or signage.
- Upon the visitor’s arrival, they will be required to input their vehicle license plate number and coupon code at one of the designated pay stations.
- Rates are determined for validated parking depending on the length of stay.
Policy Restrictions
- Visitor must input license plate number at pay station and select the appropriate length of stay. Failure to do so may result in a citation.
- No refunds will be issued for e-coupon usage.
Large Event Parking - More than 20 vehicles
To ensure the best experience possible for guests, events that involve larger groups with more than 20 vehicles expected is best served by our University Events department. Your event needs will be tracked and managed with the University with regards to logistics, parking, security, etc.
Connect to the University Event Management System
For information regarding event parking, please visit the Event Parking website.
IMPORANT: If the event is for VIP’s and/or special guests of the University, it is advisable to contact University Events for assistance no matter the size of the event
Public Safety

The Department of Public Safety exists to ensure that Kennesaw State University is a safe and secure community, conducive to the free exchange of ideas within an academic setting.
KSU Security Policy
The security policy related to special events for Kennesaw State’s Department of Public Safety and University Police can be found by downloading and filling out the form.
Please note that the current rates of pay for KSU Department of Public Safety and University Police personnel working special events are:
- $30.00 per hour per Security Officer (non-sworn position)
- $65.00 per hour per Police Officer (sworn position)
Kennesaw State University recognizes and is committed to upholding the First Amendment rights of all individuals, including freedom of speech and peaceable assembly. KSU also recognizes its responsibility to provide a secure learning environment that allows individuals enrolled at or employed by KSU to express their views in ways that do not disrupt the operation of the University
KSU Freedom of Expression PolicyKSU Public Forum Information: http://publicforum.kennesaw.edu/
For more information, refer to KSU Public Safety's website.
- We are open 24/7 - 365 days a year.
- Emergency calls: (770) 423-6666
- Non-Emergency calls: (770) 423-6206
LiveSafe App: livesafe.kennesaw.edu