KSU Internal Events: Faculty and Staff


The Department of Event and Venue Management team is responsible for coordinating campus events/space for a variety of activities sponsored by academic departments and the Office of the President. Most classrooms, conference rooms, atriums and outdoor spaces can be reserved through the Event Management System. 

KSU faculty and staff can access KSU Reservations with their NetID and password. KSU users can request available space by using the Reservations menu and entering the scheduling information.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The system will not allow Internal Event Request submissions that are less than 10 days before the event date. For large-scale Internal Event Requests, we recommend that they are submitted no less than 30 days before the event date.

Types of Internal Event Reservations

  • Internal Event Request
  • Off Campus Registration Form
  • Parking Request
  • Simple Meeting Request
  • Information Table Request

Note: When planning for a large event, please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.

Event Procedures

These guidelines establish priorities for the use of academic and non-academic spaces at Kennesaw State University (“The University”). It also protects resources, equipment and the users through the implementation of a consistent campus-wide procedure. The following applies to use of space for activities on all Kennesaw State University campuses except with regard to the assignment of departmental office space.

The purpose of this procedure is to establish a uniform process by which Kennesaw State University manages space and resources. Facility and space utilization is a critical component in the delivery of academic and extracurricular programs and services at Kennesaw State University.

View all event procedures