KSU Internal Event: Procedures

These guidelines establish priorities for the use of academic and non-academic spaces at Kennesaw State University (“The University”). It also protects resources, equipment and the users through the implementation of a consistent campus-wide procedure. The following applies to use of space for activities on all Kennesaw State University campuses except with regard to the assignment of departmental office space.

The purpose of this procedure is to establish a uniform process by which Kennesaw State University manages space and resources. Facility and space utilization is a critical component in the delivery of academic and extracurricular programs and services at Kennesaw State University.

These guidelines establish priorities for the use of academic and non-academic spaces at Kennesaw State University (“The University”). It also protects resources, equipment, and the users through the implementation of a consistent campus-wide procedure. The following applies to use of space for activities on all Kennesaw State University campuses except with regard to the assignment of departmental office space.

View the full space usage prioritization procedure document.

  • All events, camps, conferences and non-essential meetings are cancelled/postponed through June 30th. All July meetings and events scheduled prior to the coronavirus outbreak are still scheduled; however, please work with your Event Coordinator to discuss implementing appropriate social distancing protocols. If you have questions about your existing reservation or need to schedule an essential meeting in July, please reach out to events@kennesaw.edu

    For meetings and events occurring on or after August 1, 2020, please place your request through reservations.kennesaw.edu.  Your Event Coordinator will work with you to choose a location and plan to assist in following the appropriate social distancing protocols. Due to space limitations, events with an expected attendance of 300 or greater will not be scheduled until further notice with the exception of Academic, Athletic, and Signature Events. Requests for event exceptions should be sent through events@kennesaw.edu to be routed for approval.

    Download and Read the COVID FAQs 

  • Changes to Events

    If you need to make changes to your event, please notify the Department of Event and Venue Management immediately by emailing events@kennesaw.edu, as well as, your event coordinator.

    Event and Venue Management must be notified of changes at least 2 business days prior to event start date, or change fees may apply.


    If your event needs to be canceled, it must be canceled at least 7 business days prior to event start date or cancellation fee will apply. Please submit cancellations via email to events@kennesaw.edu and contact, your event coordinator. 

    Administrative Cancellations and Changes

    In rare instances, confirmed reservations may be changed or canceled if they are found to conflict with another function or academic need. Event and Venue Management staff will work with the organization or department to provide alternative accommodations whenever possible.

    Inclement Weather Cancellations

    When the campus is closed due to inclement weather, your event will automatically be canceled. Due to the high demand for space, rain locations will not be available for events booked outdoors except for Presidential Events.

    The University will announce campus closures and delayed schedules in several ways. The easiest way to receive the information is by signing up for KSU Alerts, which will send a message to your phone and an email to your university account.

    In addition, announcements will be made by a notice on the university home page.

  • The Office of the Dean of Students is responsible for oversight and distribution of policies and compliance standards related to alcohol and drugs. Every member and guest of the KSU community is encouraged to review these policies and documents.

    Alcohol and Drug Policy

    For university approved events, alcohol is permitted in the following locations

    Kennesaw Campus

    • Science Lab Atrium (after 5:00 pm)
    • Convocation Center Hospitality Suites
    • Hospitality House
    • Alumni Affairs and Alumni Association House

    Marietta Campus: 

    • Executive Dining Room


    For questions regarding alcohol service, contact the Department of Event and Venue Management at events@kennesaw.edu.

  • If you are planning on providing any variation of the following types of entertainment, please review the information for the associated procedures.

    Filming on Campus

    • More Information to come.

    Guest Speakers/Musical Performances

    • Guest speakers must fill out the "Lecture Agreement" form.
    • All musical performances must fill out the "Performance Agreement" form.
    • Musical performances may need to be reviewed before a confirmation can be provided.
    • Musical performances can include but are not limited to singers, DJ's, or bands.
    • The instructions for each of these forms are also listed on the link, as well as International versions of both forms, if needed. Link to Forms.

    Noise Control

    • All types of entertainment must adhere to the Amplified Sound Policy.
    • This policy provides guidelines for amplified sound per venue space.


    All tents must be approved by the Environmental Health and Safety Department (EHS). Please email firesafety@kennesaw.edu or visit their website at here for the required forms and approvals.
    All tents must have a certificate of insurance, be flame resistant, and have a drawing to scale.
    Tents cannot be staked into the ground. Must be weighed down with sandbags or water barrels.


    All inflatables require a certificate of insurance.
    Waivers must be filled out and signed by participant or legal guardian if participant is a minor.
    Inflatables cannot be staked into the ground. Must be weighted down with sandbags or water barrels.
    Generators- If your event needs to have a portable generator for any reason, please fill out this form.

    Failure to follow any of these guidelines may result in the cancellation of the event.

  • All decorations and materials must follow Environmental Health and Safety regulations. The Department of Event and Venue Management does not supply decorations to clients. If any damage occurs to surfaces and/or excessive cleaning is required, the client may be assessed a fee.

    Helpful Tips

    • Decorations must not block exits or fire safety equipment.
    • Keep lighting equipment (especially high intensity) and other heat sources away from decorations.
    • Only use materials that are Class "A" rated or UL listed for flame retardant in decorations, theatrical scenery.
    • Decorations should be removed immediately after the event.

    Prohibited Items

    Security has the right to inspect any items at any time. For the purpose of safety. prohibited items must be returned to cars, or disposed of before entering the venue and will not be accepted by employees. There will be no place offer to store any of the items.

    • Aerosol/pressurized cans
    • Animals (except service animals in service and training)
    • Articles artificial noisemakers including air horns, whistles and music instruments, etc.
    • Banners, posters, and flags larger than 4’x3’
    • Flyers, handout, advertisements
    • Glassware of any kind.
    • Glitter
    • Helium balloons
    • Illegal substances, drugs, and chemicals of any kind.
    • Inflatables
    • Instruments of any kind
    • Laser pointers
    • Open flames
    • Poles or staffs of any kind of (metal, plastic, wooden
    • Weapons, flares, fireworks, and smoke devices.
    • Use of e-cigarettes, vapes, Juuls, dip, chew, etc.
    • Decoration that may pose a fire hazard
    • Open flamed candles
    • Please contact Event and Venue Management for additional information
  • Kennesaw State University is committed to providing facilities for programs that are consistent with educational goals and mission of the University. As a community partner, the University also supports the need for public service events.

    Use of University facilities that are incongruent with the Kennesaw State University mission, may result in loss of privileges.

    Damage to University Property

    All individuals using Kennesaw State University facilities are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure proper care of the venue and equipment. Damage, repair, and replacement costs are the responsibility of the sponsoring organization/department. Intentional misuse, vandalism, defacing and/or destruction of University facilities, and/or equipment may result in legal action including replacement costs and revocation of the privilege to reserve Kennesaw State University venues. Kennesaw State University property (i.e. furniture, paintings, sculptures, displays, flags, etc.) may not be moved or removed from a venue without approval from The Department of Event and Venue Management.

    Emergency Medical Services

    Should an emergency occur at a Kennesaw State University venue, both on and off campus sponsors should contact the Office of Public Safety at (770) 423-6666.

    Event Types Not Permissible

    • Weddings/receptions
    • Bridal/Baby Showers
    • Birthday parties
    • Non-Registered Student Organizations
    • Family reunions
    • Non-affiliated holiday parties
    • Non-affiliated repetitive meetings/luncheons
    • Solicitation seminars/programs
    • Events deemed not in the best interest of the University

    Sponsoring Group Responsibilities

    • Non-technical support for load-in/load-out* and event control
    • Securing all dates, times, performers
    • Obtaining all necessary approvals from campus support departments
    • Accepting financial responsibility for any needed rental equipment, fees, and security

    *Delivery, set-up, break-down and removal and returning the facility to its original configuration.


    Event sponsors are required to obtain waivers for off campus visitors when applicable. Waivers can be obtained by contacting KSU Division of Legal Affairs. For example, a waiver is needed for 5K run participants. If you are unsure if your event will require a waiver, please contact Legal Affairs.

  • KSU Smoke and Tobacco-Free

    Kennesaw State University is committed to the health and well-being of all members of the KSU community. A smoke/tobacco-free campus means that everyone, including guests, is free to travel and visit anywhere on campus without having to avoid potentially health-hazardous situations. 

    View the complete KSU smoking policy Breath Easy website for more information.

  • Amplified Sound Policy

    In accordance with the KSU Freedom of Expression Policy, amplified sound is prohibited on the Campus Green Zones 1-9 (Kennesaw campus) and by the Globe between the Administration Building and the Joe Mack Wilson Student Center (Marietta campus), except for University-sponsored events. 

    Amplified sound for University sponsored events is permitted in other KSU outdoor areas as follows

    • Student Canter Terrace: Amplified sound allowed ONLY between 12:30 pm and 1:45 pm, Monday - Sunday.

    • Gazebo: Amplified sound allowed ONLY between 12:30 pm and 1:45 pm, Monday - Friday as well as Fridays between 5:00 pm and 10:00 pm; allowed between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm, Monday - Thursday; between 12:00 pm and 10:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday.

    Any outside areas on either the Marietta or Kennesaw Campus not listed above will be determined on a case-by-basis and approved by the Department of Event and Venue Management pending a reservation request.

    Amplified sound is permitted in the following indoor areas of the campus

    • The Commons: Amplified sound is allowed at the Commons only between 12:30 pm and 1:45 pm, Monday through Friday.

    • Carmichael Student Center: Amplified sound is permitted, both built-in systems and additional PA systems, in all locations in the building.

    • Indoor Plaza (Prillaman Hall): The Indoor Plaza is approved for use of a small group PA system.  NO live music can be played in the space.

    • Auditoriums: Additional PA systems are approved to be used in auditoriums.

    • Social Sciences/Clendenin/Science Lab Atriums: A microphone and small PA system - only during off peak class time. Acceptable hours below.
      • Monday – Thursday from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
      • Friday from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

    • Burruss Atruim: No amplified sound

    • Convocation Center Arena Floor: All non-athletic sound requests MUST be reviewed by the Department of Event and Venue Management for approval.

    • Event Center: All sound requests MUST be reviewed by the Department of Event and Venue Management for approval.

    • All Other Locations: All areas with built-in audio/visual equipment are approved for use of the built-in system at any time. Additional audio equipment is not permitted for these areas.